Own Publications

English, BM & Chinese Version Available Too
Upon Grandpa Tapir's advice, Timmy Tapir goes on a search foe what it means to 'Do what's right'.
Join him as he asks those he loves and finds nuggets of truth through simple rhymes about what INTEGRITY means.

A story about reconciliation. This endearing story revolves around two sisters, Gituan and Riang, who are joined by good times, play times and bed times with favourite sarong. As they grow up, jealousy, hatred and anger take over and cause a separation between them and colours of the pages begin to fade away. The colours only begin to return with the arrival of their little sister, Inang. However, it was not until a crisis took place that finally broke open their hearts and allowed love to fl.....

Evergreen Forest is once again abuzz with activity. Someone has kidnapped the young Tapirs and Duke Duck. Who is the wicked mastermind behind these kidnappings? What is his motive? Join Tony Tapir and his friends as they crack secret passwords and uncover the identity of the mysterious Purple Peril. Discover the perils the kidnapped animals find themselves in and find our if they will be rescued in time......

A sudden earthquake followed by an aftershock shakes up the animals of the Evergreen Forest. There is much devastation and jailbreaks take place in both Tapirville and Sunbear Territory.
The old villains escape from prison and are back to wreak havoc in Evergreen Forest. An ATM heist takes place in Tapirville, and the The Purple Peril is a suspect. That is not all! Someone wants to prevent Duke Duck from helping the injured sunbears. But Tony Tapir and his fellow Guardians of the Forest .....

This book evokes such strong emotions.
The poems tug at your heart.
The art is startling as it holds your eyes with rapt attention and reveals the inner most feelings of a person who is supposed to be autistic.
The truth is Frankie is the same as you and I, in the happiness and sadness he experiences.
What's uncommon is he is much more special because he has a unique gift that is rare.
Even more touching is his sister Angelina, who has the sensitivity to feel and see.....

This book is designed for those who are hungry for spiritual encounters... it is a ' torch of light' that will help navigate your spirit into the bosom of the Father.
It is both a manual and a pass, to enter the Holy of Holies!......

Words can bring lfe to anything that is experiencing death. This book introduces God as " The Living Word"

Make it your goal to " Be Perfect" as your Father in heaven is perfect.
As you go towards this destiny you will notice your life begin to change.
True change can only happen when you get ' the revelation' of this message......

Timmy Tapir always gets excited whenever he meets his friends and they learn new things together. Through his fun adventures, Timmy learns 'little jewels' on finances that are so important and helpful to him like how to save money for something he really likes, the right way to effective budgetting, money allocation to save and spend, how to help others in kindness through creative ideas and how to have an enterprising mind and start a little business of your own to e.....

English & BM Version Available Too
Upon Grandpa Tapir's advice, Timmy Tapir goes on a search for what it means to 'Do what's right'.
Join him as he asks those he loves and finds nuggets of truth through simple rhymes about what INTEGRITY means.
Published by Josephine Yoong - Precious Pages